A Happy New Year from the Equichance team and we are pleased to announce our progress as follows;
- Work on the 5-metre-wide circuit around the property will begin on the 11th January and will be completed by the end of March 2024.
- The existing horse shelter has now doubled in size and a new shelter is being built in the second field.
- Conversations are ongoing re the acquisition of an additional hectare to provide further grazing pasture.
Home Team
- 8-month-old Nimrod has arrived and is a joy for all to see.
- 3-year-old Zulu has been found and has rejoined the herd (a long story but he was stolen when he was a baby).
- 5-year-old Indigo has successfully integrated into the herd and is making his mark.
- The magnificent 7-strong, multicultural (Irish/ Spanish/ Arab/ German/ American) herd is now complete.
- All of the horses are trained daily by Tatiana and weekly by Yannique and Charlotte to ensure that they are ready.


Human Team
- Ashley Legrand has formally joined the team and will be here for all public events.
- Training of the human team continues afoot.
- Pilot sessions now in place for the 20th January, 17th February and 16th March 2024.
Client base
- Agreements are being put in place with Clubhouse Lyon and Clubhouse Marseille.
- Initial focus to be principally on “burn out”.
- Various other initiatives in place but the key is to remain focused; start small but strong.
- Two new commitments from Cobalt Partner’s client base and a further two have agreed in principle.
Official launch date to be in May/ June 2024.