Blog Updates

Equichance is an equitherapy centre built in the Luberon, France

Welcome to our blog where we provide updates on our progress made.

June 2024 update

June 2024 update

Hot news from the Luberon is as follows; Infrastructure Renovation of one of the gypsy caravans now completed which will provide additional lodging space for visitors Second caravan to be acquired and renovated in the coming months (before the end...

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04 January 2024 Update

04 January 2024 Update

A Happy New Year from the Equichance team and we are pleased to announce our progress as follows; Infrastructure Work on the 5-metre-wide circuit around the property will begin on the 11th January and will be completed by the end of March 2024. The...

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20 October 2023 Update

20 October 2023 Update

Infrastructure We have scoped out a 5-metre-wide circuit around the property which is important as not only does it give us a safe circuit for our work but it also allows the herd to be in unison and constant movement. The circuit will be put in...

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10 July 2023 update

10 July 2023 update

Infrastructure A new field is being fenced. A further horse shelter being built. 2 provisional canvas tents are in place pending arrival of gypsy caravans. Home Team Maitai, aged 1, has arrived <3 Nikita and her daughter Machta have finally been...

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30 May 2023 Update

30 May 2023 Update

Infrastructure The horse ring and the “rond de longe” are now complete and the necessary horse shelters are in place. Home Team Regular and incremental training of the horses is proving positive with steady headway made in making Machta, our...

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30 April 2023 update

30 April 2023 update

Infrastructure We are busy building a horse ring and a “rond de longe/ lunging ring”. Construction is underway and will be complete within 3 weeks We then need to put the horse shelters in place. This should be complete by the end of May (crucial...

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30 March 2023 update

30 March 2023 update

Progress to date We have finally found the right premises in a wonderful old Mas right in the heart of the Luberon, a stone’s throw from the lake l’Etang de la Bonde and also right next to a specialist school for autistic children in la Tour...

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