After a hot summer, work continues apace at Equichance and we are making good progress and seeing positive results;


  • Offer made on an additional 1 hectare of land adjacent to the property – awaiting approval
  • Current fencing to be replaced by wooden fencing
  • Busy looking for additional gypsy caravans so we can comfortably have people to stay overnight 
  • Agreement meanwhile in place with nearby B&B

Home Team

  • New addition to the team – baby shetland foal, named Olympe. She will arrive in November when weaned from her mother.
  • This will enable us to start work with children and people who may find the bigger horses intimidating
  • Others are going from strength to strength.
  • Lucas to join the human team in September and be in charge of daily care and welfare of horses. Tatiana will return to her studies
      Client base
      • Contract in place with Clubhouse Marseille who are already coming for weekly sessions every Friday – very positive feedback and already beginning to see results.
      • Currently working with small groups of 4 to 5. This will go up but stop at 6.
      • New options to be explored in the coming months but will evolve into wednesday afternoons also.
        Zulu, a 3 year old horse, part of the Equichance team
        Zulu, a 3 year old horse, part of the Equichance team