- A new field is being fenced.
- A further horse shelter being built.
- 2 provisional canvas tents are in place pending arrival of gypsy caravans.
Home Team
- Maitai, aged 1, has arrived <3
- Nikita and her daughter Machta have finally been separated – a much overdue achievement, allowing each mare to thrive independently.
- Regular trainings of each member of the home team.
- Nikita and Izzy are discovering the joys of nearby lake.
- Interim trainer has arrived for the summer months.
- Donation secured from Archimed and two of their investee companies.
- Soft circling of funds from all of Cobalt Partner’s retained clients.
- Initial discussions in place with Eureka Foundation / Clubhouse
- Exploratory discussions with political refugee centres and post-cancer care organisations.
- Our website is completed and officially available on
- Pilot programmes to take place from mid September to mid November 2023 with Archimed and Cobalt Partners.
- Appointment of very experienced FTSE 100 CFO, Kenneth Gardener as “Eminence Grise”